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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
By nature, for better or worse, I am an emotionally charged person. In addition, for the past number of weeks every service has been experientially powerful. I share that as a contrast to this past Sunday when, although engaged and grateful for worship and word, I was not so emotional. In the closing sets of songs I had a sudden thought or impression: it would be helpful...
Today I just want to pass along something I received from John Stonestreet’s ministry at the Colson Center. He shared this week a Christmas carol I had never heard called, The Little Babe. Here are the first three stanzas: This little Babe so few days old is come to rifle Satan's fold; All hell doth at his presence quake, though he himself for cold do shake; For...
I developed a habit many years back: when there’s a word God speaks to my heart I record it somewhere to reference back to from time to time. The I-Phone Reminders App has made that even easier. I can program a word to show up repeatedly on my screen daily, weekly or monthly at a given time. One word that has been showing up regularly for the past year or two is Psalm...