

Believe, Be Baptized

Baptism is an outward act affirming the inward commitment a believer makes to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Scripture teaches that immersion in water portrays the believer's union with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5). 

Baptism is for believers whose profession of faith in Jesus Christ and lifestyle evidences genuine salvation. For this reason, we do not baptize infants. If you were baptized as an infant, we would ask that—in obedience to Scripture and as part of becoming a member of Covenant Life Church—you be baptized as a believer.  Acts 8:12 states, “…when they believed…they were baptized, both men and women.”

Candidates for Baptism Should Be Able To:

  • Clearly communicate their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and the message of the gospel.
  • Demonstrate a desire to live a life “fully pleasing to him” (Col. 1:10), obeying all that Jesus commanded.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to repent of sin and to turn away from the world.
  • Increasingly exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) and progress in spiritual maturity.
Join us for our next baptism class on May 4, 2025 at 12pm.
Register for May 4
–>Youth (Teens) - For more information, visit here.

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