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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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The miracle of Christmas is so captivating because such a profound thing happened in such a humble way. The God of Heaven was born to a young woman, who was betrothed to a poor man. They were far from home, in a borrowed room in a small town. When Jesus was born, angels sang and kings bowed, but the first people told were shepherds working the late shift.
To see the miracle of the incarnation of God, we must look low. As we look to that lonely couple in that small town, our hearts are drawn to the heights of the love of God, who left the courts of heaven and entered the manger of a stable…for us.
That is what we will do together during this year’s Christmas Eve Service. Through Scriptures and songs, we will see the humility of our Savior, that our hearts might rise with the love of Immanuel, God with us.
Covenant Life Church invites you to join us as we celebrate the dawn of hope in the birth of Jesus Christ this Christmas Eve. Refreshments will be served at 6:30pm followed by a service of carols, readings, and a brief message celebrating the humble king, Jesus Christ. All are welcome!
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Thank you for clicking in to consider the light of God promised at Christmas. I am humbled that you would consider stopping in here at this point in your journey.
If we focus on the world around us, it can seem like we are living in hopelessly dark days. But the message of Christmas offers true life and bright hope.
At Covenant Life, we believe that peace and joy come through building a relationship with God and living among a community of friends, so I want to cordially invite you to join our church family for our Christmas Eve celebration. Come as you are, casual or dressed up, young or old, wealthy or struggling, Christian or questioning. All are welcome. We look forward to meeting you.
Kevin Rogers
Lead Pastor
Covenant Life Church Home Page
Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus. The core of the Christian faith is not a set of concepts to believe or morals to live, but a person to trust.
Life Lessons from Ecclesiastes. Why do you live your life the way you do? Ecclesiastes takes us on a tour of work and play, wealth and possessions, wisdom and productivity and calls us to live from the vantage point of life's most poignant perspective: the end.
New Life: A Series in Colossians. When we first come to Jesus, he meets us right where we are. But he doesn’t leave us there. He begins a renovation of our entire lives.
Luke: The Wisdom of Jesus. In this series, we mine the wisdom of Jesus as recounted in the unique parables of the Gospel of Luke in chapters 10 through 18.
Devoted to God. When Jesus said of his heavenly Father, “I do always those things that please him” (John 8.29), he expressed the heart of true devotion. May we also have that same heart!
Revelation: Christ is King. The book of Revelation challenges us to live our lives in light of Judgment Day, not Election Day.