Covenant Life School
Training Students To Think Biblically and Live Passionately for Christ
Who We Are
Covenant Life School operates a K-12 program that is fully accredited with Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Association of Christian Schools International. We are passionate about preparing youth for the unique call God has on their lives and devoted to supporting parents in Covenant Life Church and other evangelical churches who want to educate their children with strong Christian teachers and from a biblical worldview.
Our mission is to educate students who will think biblically and live passionately for Christ.
Mission & Vision
Our mission statement describes the education that will prepare our students for the call of God on their lives (2 Timothy 2:20-22) by shaping thinking, building a biblical worldview, and imparting values for a lifetime.
Our vision is seeing our graduates engaging their world with lives forged by God's Word. Our vision statement paints a vivid picture of our desired outcome as a school, one which inspires and energizes our community. It describes what our students will be like if we serve them effectively.
Core Values
Our core values flow out of our philosophy of education and express what the Covenant Life School community believes. The following values guide our practices in fulfilling our mission:
- Love for God - We pursue a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
- Devotion to Truth - We pursue, promote, and defend biblical truth in all subjects.
- Love for Learning - We cultivate habits of the mind that will help pursue a life of learning.
- Commitment to a Biblical Worldview - We engage the world of ideas with biblical discernment.
- Partnership with Families - We work closely with parents in the task of educating and training their students.