Good Samaritan Advocates
- For the number of clients to double from the current average of 5-10 at each monthly clinic
- For the launch of a second GSA clinic in Montgomery County with the long-term goal that a clinic will be available every Saturday of the month at a different church
Soup Kitchen
- For more spiritual interactions with our guests
- For more volunteers on first Wednesday of the month (12:30-5:30 PM)
- For a volunteer to wash dishes on fourth Friday of the month (12:30-5:30 PM)
JOY Club (South Lake)
- For the Spirit to open the hearts of the kids and their parents to the love of Jesus and to help the volunteers demonstrate and declare that.
Forest Oak Towers
- For more Gospel-centered conversations that come naturally and that we can have more elderly residents join in those conversations.
Men’s Shelter
- For relationships and opportunities for gospel conversations with the staff and men who live there.
Laytonia Girls Club
- For the seeds that are being planted to bear fruit.
- For God to raise up new leadership for the ministry.
EF International Student Exchange
- For the exchange students to be exposed to the gospel and have a life-changing year.
- For the host families to learn more about loving and caring and understanding those from a different country.
- For a growing number of godly host families who see the incredible opportunity to share their homes, hearts, and faith with international students.
- For God to provide the students with good (godly) friends at school.
Global Prayer Requests
Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few; there for pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37). Please pray for workers for all the “harvests” highlighted below and for the wisdom and power of God to guide and direct every aspect of each endeavor.
Access Partners
- For large numbers of CLC members to come to the December 4 “Update and Opportunities” informational meeting where they can learn more about reaching the unreached through business.
- For God to form and guide the team of business professionals who will be working with our in-country partner to evaluate sustainable business models.
South Asia (January 4-17)
- For the team’s outreach to villages, slums, and centers for girls. Pray for effective discipleship training, business development training, and powerful evangelism alongside existing mission partners in unreached areas.
Uganda Team (January 13-26)
- For the team’s health and protection from spiritual warfare as it assists with pastoral training, a youth conference, and village outreach.
- Alpha and Omega Vocational Secondary School in Uganda
- For wisdom as we plan to equip teachers and students and develop a sustainable piggery project.
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