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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
A covenant is, most simply, a promise. In ancient times, covenants were often made between greater and lesser kings. The greater would promise protection and provision, the lesser would promise loyalty and faithfulness. These covenant promises came with stipulations, benefits or consequences depending on whether the covenant was kept. Covenants continue to form the structure of all kinds of relationships, from marriage vows to homeowners associations, the way steel and concrete form the structure of a building.
Throughout the Bible, God pursues his people and commits himself to them in covenants. The language and forms of the covenants would have likely been familiar to the Old Testament saints, but these divine pacts were far greater than any mere human contract. In the covenants, God commits himself to a people who can in no way repay or enrich him. And he keeps his promises often despite their grievous unfaithfulness.
Considering God’s great covenants increases our confidence in our promise-keeping God so that we trust him more, love him more, and live for him with greater boldness. It also helps us see how the Bible fits together as a whole, as we see the outworking of God’s great redemptive plan as promised and kept in the covenants.
Part 1 – The Covenant of Redemption – Robin Boisvert. Before the foundation of the world, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit planned to rescue people from their sins, in order to reconcile them to himself.
Part 2 – The Covenant of Works – Robin Boisvert. At creation, the relationship between God and mankind was defined by a covenant of works which required personal and perfect obedience to the law of God. Adam broke that covenant, but Christ fulfilled it.
Part 3 – The Covenant with Noah – Kevin Rogers. God's covenant with Noah is a re-creation story with echoes of Eden throughout it. In it, God reestablishes common grace, the cultural mandate, and creation's preservation.
Part 4 – The Covenant with Abraham – John Leconte. God is our shield and covenant keeper. Our appropriate response is to believe his promises and obey him as an expression of that faith.
Part 5 – The Covenant with Israel – Kevin Rogers. In Exodus 24, God graciously invited Israel to become his people, and they devoted themselves to him. The terms of the covenant between God and Israel are read, the contract is sealed in blood, and then the covenant benefits are enjoyed.
Part 6 – The Covenant with David – Robin Boisvert. God promised King David that he would establish David’s throne forever, but his dynasty lasted only 400 years. David’s earthly kingdom was a shadow of a still deeper and more important spiritual reality: the kingship of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
Part 7 – The New Covenant – Jose Troche. The new covenant is the ultimate covenant between God and his people, a covenant that is unbreakable, has no replacement and has no successor. All other former covenants are superseded and consummated by this new covenant.
Covenants: The Backbone of the Bible – The Bible Project. Covenants are one of the most important themes in the Bible because they act as the skeletons upon which the entire redemptive story is built.
The Christ of the Covenants – O. Palmer Robertson. Scripture clearly testifies to the significance of the divine covenants. This book will explore each of God’s covenants in depth and help us to see their unity, diversity, and place in the history of redemption.