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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
All around us, cultural pressure is increasing and theological literacy is declining. There is increasing confusion and dysfunction. As a result, we believe that an hour of worship and preaching is no longer enough to fully equip the church for its calling in this age. Sunday Classes will help us go deeper into theology, cultural issues, and practical Christian living.
To hear more about Sunday Classes, click on video below.
“It is not enough to know about Christ, it is knowing Christ himself that alone saves the soul.” - Charles Spurgeon
As Christians, we come to know Christ through reading the New Testament. The Gospels introduce him to us and tell us of his ministry, death and resurrection. The Book of Acts shows us how Christ continued his ministry after his ascension through the power of the Holy Spirit and the founding of the Church. The letters give us an in depth explanation of how Christ’s death has brought about a new creation under a new covenant. Revelation gives us hope for Christs return and God’s final victory over sin and death.
These 4 genres are rich in theological truth, and in value to Christians. Each week we will cover one of the 4 genres found in the New Testament. We will look at specific themes, patterns and difficulties in reading and interpreting these different genres. We will also practice reading and interpreting these genres through small group activities.
Teacher: JD Garris
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Teaching and Small Group Discussion
Sign up –Insterpreting Scripture
Have you been struggling to understand what you’re reading in the Bible? Or has your regular Bible reading gone “flat?” Maybe you’ve come across Bible teaching that made you wonder if that’s really what that passage means, or you’re ready to challenge yourself to go deeper in your study of God’s Word?
This class is for you! In a highly interactive, workshop-style format we will explore tools for interpreting and applying Scripture and practice putting them to use.
Teacher: Kevin Rogers
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Teaching and Discussion
So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. - Psalm 71:18
In his short book “Rethinking Retirement”, Pastor John Piper challenges fellow Baby Boomers to forgo the American Dream of Retirement and live out their golden years with a far greater purpose in mind. You may end up agreeing or not agreeing, but Dr. Piper will provoke biblical thinking around this important topic.
During the four week class we will discuss questions such as:
What does it mean to finish life in a way that makes Christ glorious?
What is key to growing old to God’s glory?
Should we as Christians be “all in on the conventional American Dream of retirement?
Teacher: Pat Ennis
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Teaching and Interactive Discussion
Required Resource: Finishing Life for the Glory of Christ, John Piper (can be downloaded or purchased HERE).
The Westminster Confession of Faith is a consensus theological document (it’s not just the thought of one man, but the distillation of the work of 120) teaching us who God is and what He has done. All true theology leads to doxology. In other words, this study will help us to worship God in Spirit and truth—the reason we were created!
We will finish the final 4 lessons in our Rooted: A Study of the Westminster Confession of Faith class.
Teacher: Robin Boisvert
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Lecture
Suggested Resource: Confessing the Faith, Chad Van Dixhoorn
Teacher: Philip Martin
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Teaching and Discussion
Required Resource:
This class provides youth with another opportunity for teaching, discussion, and fellowship. High schoolers are encouraged to participate in an adult class above, but are welcome to join the Youth Sunday Class if they prefer.
Teachers: Youth Leaders and Parents
Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025
Time: Sundays, 9-10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Interactive