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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
The core of Christian faith is not a set of concepts to believe or morals to live, but a person to trust.
The Gospel of Luke shows us who Jesus is as it recounts his power and preaching. As we see his works and hear his words, we learn to trust him as the one true savior for all people, regardless of status or background. Join us this fall and winter as we follow the earthly ministry of Jesus in Luke chapters 4 through 9 .
Part 1 – Familiarity with Jesus – Kevin Rogers. Familiarity can blind us to who a person is. The people in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth were skeptical of his claims and felt entitled to his power. Therefore, they missed the opportunity to humbly hear his message and respond in faith.
Part 2 – Miracles That Preach – Kevin Rogers. The miracles of Jesus make a statement about the man. They show us his authority, identity, and mission.
Part 3 – The Call to Discipleship – John Leconte. Jesus calls you to join his team. This call to discipleship is gracious, definite, missional, and sacrificial.
Part 4 – Two Miracles – Robin Boisvert. Jesus is willing and able to cleanse the outcast, and he has the authority to forgive sins.
Part 5 – Scandalous Grace - Kevin Rogers. Jesus drove the Pharisees nuts by showing such great favor to people who were so greatly ill-deserving.
Part 6 – Sabbath Showdown – Kevin Rogers. The Sabbath showdown of Luke 6 is just one battleground in a war about whether Jesus is subject to our terms for life or whether he is the one who sets them.
Part 7 – The Blessing of Being a Disciple of Jesus – Robin Boisvert. Disciples are those who have been chosen by Jesus and have decided to follow him. The kingdom of God and all its spiritual blessings belong to them, though with it comes persecution.
Part 8 – Kingdom Ethics: Love Your Enemies – Robin Boisvert. Jesus’ command to love our enemies is a personal ethic for persecuted disciples. When we enlarge our frame of reference, we will see that we follow a Savior who exemplified his own command by loving us who were once his enemies.
Part 9 – The Life of Discipleship – Kevin Rogers. The life of discipleship is an examined life, an authentic life, and an enduring life.
Part 10 – Jesus’ Powerful Word to Heal the Sick and Raise the Dead – Jose Troche. We are called to humbly believe that Jesus’ omnipotent, unstoppable words of command have authority over sickness and death.
Part 11 – Questioning Jesus – Kevin Rogers. Jesus did not always meet people’s expectations. He brought an unexpected salvation and built an unexpected kingdom.
Part 12 – Jesus, Friend of Sinners – Robin Boisvert. Jesus loves to forgive the sins of those with faith because those who are forgiven much love much.
Part 13 – Sower and Soils – Philip Martin. The question rising from the book of Luke, and now posed by the Parable of the Sower, is this: How are you responding to Jesus?
Part 14 – Responding to the Light – Robin Boisvert. Our response to Jesus’ teaching really matters. The good and honest heart that places Jesus and his teaching above all else will bear fruit.
Part 15 – Reckoning with the Reign of Jesus – Kevin Rogers. Jesus reigns over nature and demons and calls on his disciples to trust him.
Part 16 – Jesus is Lord Over Disease and Death – Robin Boisvert. Jesus has authority over the effects of the curse within us: disease and death. He is worthy of our praise, love, faith, hope and ultimate allegiance.
Part 17 – The Turning Point in Redemptive History – Scott Redd. When Jesus sends out the twelve to proclaim the kingdom of God, they shift from being learners to proclaimers and his instructions to them sharpen the functions of gospel ministry.
Part 18 – Who Do You Say Jesus Is? – Jose Troche. Jesus is the provider who supplies my needs and the Savior who suffers and dies for me.
Part 19 – The Transfiguration – Robin Boisvert. Three names of Jesus reveal his true identity: Christ, Son of Man, and Son of God.
Part 20 – Failures of the Discplies – John LeConte. The failures of the disciples can teach us to depend on God’s power, pray for understanding of the cross, and work in unity for God’s kingdom.
Part 21 – Follow Jesus – Robin Boisvert. Jesus gets us, but his call to follow is not easy. Being his disciple may mean inconvenience, rearranging priorities, and avoiding distractions.
Book: Luke for You, Mike McKinley – A great guide for small group study or for going deeper into Luke in personal devotions.
Scripture Journal – This simple journal provides the full text of the Gospel of Luke with ruled pages for sermon notes, personal reflections and prayers.
Bible Project Video – This video gives a helpful big picture overview of the first half of the Gospel of Luke.