Pastors & Staff
Non-Staff Pastors

Growing up in Bolivia, Jose started attending church when he was nine years old. Although he was baptized at 14, Jose’s interest in Christianity soon began to fade and his church attendance became irregular. Later the secular academic environment at his college nearly shattered Jose’s beliefs, and he became a cynical critic of Christianity. Although Jose’s future looked bright after he graduated from college, he was empty and miserable.
One Sunday at the age of 25, Jose stumbled into a church service longing for answers, and God graciously showed Jose the senselessness of an existence without Him.
Jose took one year off from work to attend Rio Grande Bible Institute. For the first time, he was introduced to formal doctrinal structure. A few years later, in 2002, Jose enrolled in the Sovereign Grace Ministries Pastors College. It was then, with more clarity than ever before, that Jose understood the glory of the gospel.
At that time, Jose also began attending Covenant Life Church. He recalls, “The way Covenant Life’s members welcomed newcomers, highly valued the Word of God, joyfully served, and genuinely cared for each other captivated my heart. After I graduated, I decided to stay, and I formally became a member.”
Jose currently serves as a care group leader. In the past, he has served in Discovery Land and in outreach ministries that include Invest, Alpha and Beta. Jose says that he is most passionate about studying, expounding and preaching the Word of God in a way that is faithful to the original text and applicable. He loves to see the truth of the Bible transform lives.
After Pastors College, Jose earned a Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. He currently works as a Software Development Engineer with Amazon. Jose and his wife Caryn live in Gaithersburg with their three young children. In his spare time, Jose enjoys walking in God’s creation, running with his wife, building memories with his children, and programming flying drones and smart watches.