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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
To hear more about Sunday Classes, click on video below.
Interactive study covers the foundations of Christian faith and life. Perfect for seekers, new believers, or those who want to be refreshed and strengthened in the basics. Click on this link for a brief 2-minute course overview.
Teacher: John Leconte
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10:00am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Video + Interactive Discussion
Course Material:
Register – Christianity Explored
Join us as we study the most important letter ever written, Paul's majestic Epistle to the Romans. To know this letter is to understand the gospel and to grasp the essence of the Christian faith.
Teacher: Robin Boisvert
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10:00am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Lecture
Suggested Resource: The Message of Romans, The Bible Speaks Today series, John R.W. Stott, available here.
Parenting today must be informed by the Bible, strengthened by faith and guided by wisdom and discernment. How is parenting different at elementary ages compared with teenagers and even college age? This class will present a few simple themes that are vital and critical to building strong, godly families with children at all ages.
Teacher: Jamie Leach
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10:00am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Workshop
Suggested Resources:
Shepherding a Child's Heart, Ted Tripp, available here.
Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp, available here.
After his resurrection, Jesus outlined the plan: “… you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
But how do we do that, and where do we start? How about next door! We find ourselves providentially placed in one of the most diverse regions in the country but often the hardest journey is just to cross the street! This class combines three short mini-courses to help us grow in relational evangelism right where God has placed us. We hope to emerge with opened hearts, untied tongues, and tools that enable us to carry God’s love across the street and beyond.
Teachers: Dave & Patty Calderone
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10:00am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Video + Interactive Discussion
Class Materials:
Let Me Be Your Neighbor free PDF, available here.
Six Sessions on Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You (Participant's Guide), Mark Mittleburg, Lee Strobel, available here.
Xplore: Welcome the Nations Among Us, CMM Press, available here (free PDF with account).
Register – Relational Evangelism
The stories of the Old Testament are alive with the character of God and accounts of real people experiencing life’s joys and pains. In this interactive course, you will have the opportunity to use your mind to explore the mysteries of God in the stories of the Old Testament. This will follow similar principles to the fall semester but with new Scriptures.
Teacher: Chad Wyzga
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10:00am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Video + Interactive Discussion
Course Materials: Simeon Trust: Old Testament History, available here.
A time of teaching, discussion and fellowship for high school students.
Teacher: Todd Keeler
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Interactive
A time of teaching, discussion and fellowship for middle school students.
Teacher: JD Garris
Dates: February 20–May 22
Time: Sundays, 9:15–10am
Where: Covenant Life Church
Format: Interactive