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Date: July 2016

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 6

Salvation Comes from the Lord, Not Worthless Idols


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Isaiah 44:6-23

There is no other option to get to God except through God himself. Anything or anyone else is an idol.

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 5

Comfort in an Uncomfortable World


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Isaiah 40

God comforts us when we agree with His glorious goal, recognize that only His Word is permanent and when we behold Him.

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 4

Comfort and Joy in God’s Salvation


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Isaiah 25

As we navigate through the storms and suffering of this present time, we find comfort and hope by looking forward to a glorious day of Christ's return.

Testing Emergency Announcement