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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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God will be with us when we face opposition and will use our steadfastness and unity through suffering to strengthen us, encourage us, and show the world what it means to follow Jesus.
Paul’s prayer is that we would live lives worthy of the gospel, growing in love, knowledge, discernment, and holiness for the glory of God.
We are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, reflecting the Christ who is in us. This is the acceptable gift we must offer to the Great Giver.
Through the gospel, God has transformed us into new creations with new purposes and powers.
We are called to surrender our hearts to God in entire devotion by adopting a new mentality, new conformity, and new reverence for Him.
God, in His providence, uses circumstances, especially painful ones, to grow us in holiness.
In light of who God is, how do we live a life devoted to Him?
The new lifestyle we are called to involves putting off what is earthly and putting on what is heavenly.
Jesus gets us, but his call to follow is not easy. Being his disciple may mean inconvenience, rearranging priorities, and avoiding distractions.
Jesus calls you to join his team. This call to discipleship is gracious, definite, missional, and sacrificial.
God’s goal is not for us to have happy lives apart from him. His goal is his own glory, which he graciously invites us to participate in. But that invitation also contains an element of suffering.
Living by the Spirit means bearing one another’s burdens and persevering in doing good.
Christians have the new life that lasts, through the imperishable word of the gospel. We have a life that must be characterized by love, that will be demonstrated by a hunger for more of God and that will find expression in a community of love and worship. All for God’s glory.
We are called to three things as we follow Christ through hard times: set our hope on grace, imitate God’s holiness, and live in awe of redemption.
How can I stay faithful to the Lord to the very end?
Jesus calls his disciples to live lives that bear much fruit, fruit that is rooted in his unsearchable love for them.
We were meant to live life in light of what God has done and what he will do.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Sanctification is the work of God's free grace whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and we are enabled more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness.
If we acknowledge our sin for what it is, God is so good and kind to redeem us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Let the Gospel of Jesus Christ be a light to you when all the lights go out.
God’s rules enable us to live the Christian life for his glory.
From Colossians 3, Kevin Rogers taught that our aim in life is to actually live like who God has already made us in Christ. Sin wrecks the image of God in us, and our goal is to put off sin so the image of God can be fully revealed through us.
Waiting with anticipation of the Lord's return leads to right living until he comes.
Satanic powers want to destroy Christians by leading them to forget who they are in Christ and to tempt them to grasp for themselves the things they desire.
The energy for the Christian life is to be found in the reality of the believer's union with Christ. Being in Christ means a believer is freed from slavery to sin and has new life through his resurrection.
This is one of the great chapters in Scripture. It features the Holy Spirit, with references to Him fifteen times in the first seventeen verses alone. But, it has been remarked that the theme of the chapter is the absolute security of the believer, from the “no condemnation” of verse 1 to the nothing “will be able to separate us” of verse 39.
We died in Christ to the dominion of sin. In light of this, how should we then live?
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