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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Like Paul, we can face an uncertain future with eager and confident expectation, knowing that Christ is our everything—both in life and in death.
The sources of Christian confidence in trying times are help not of this world and hope beyond it.
Center your life on Jesus—on the joy of His grace in the past, the confidence that He holds your future, and the purpose He’s given you in the present—and you will experience the power of a gospel-centered perspective.
We can more patiently endure evil when we pull the curtain back and understand the source and agents of our affliction as well as the hope available to us in our affliction.
We do not overcome trials and temptations by our own power or might. The weapons of our warfare are not of this world. We are mighty when we hear and heed the Words of Christ. He who has ears to hear, let him hear—and overcome.
Isaiah 12 is a song of future glory, but it is a song that weary Christians can sing today in light of the joy of our salvation, the joy of corporate worship, and the joy of the good news of the Gospel.
Paul saw what God was doing in the Colossian church. Through Jesus, God made them holy before him and adopted them into his household. Their hope in heaven fueled their faith in Christ and love for all the saints by the power of the gospel.
Psalm 90 invites us to evaluate our lives before God, with him as the beginning and the end and the center.
The Psalmist wrestles with the sovereignty of God, cries out to the Lord in his distress, and finds a hope that is real, a hope that is available to us today.
Christians can always be happy in hope despite hardship, temptation, and discouragement. That’s because they have a glorious inheritance reserved for them in heaven and they are being safeguarded now by the power of God.
Christians are elect exiles with sustaining faith that is tested and connected to the past.
Our hope is in a future inheritance that is founded on God’s mercy, secured through Christ’s resurrection, and kept by God’s power.
Patient hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ will enable us to handle present suffering in the light of future glory.
Jesus Christ is the only one who can take your deepest fears away. Run to him, trust him, and hold on to him with all your heart, soul, and strength and he will take care of your deepest needs.
Christians can walk through months of despair and doubt, but God can meet them in the darkness.
Just as Isaiah and the faithful remnant trusted the Lord in difficult political times, so we are called to do also.
The LORD provides peace for me and protects me personally on my pathway all the days of my life.
How do you get to the point of living in the good of God's love for us? He's provided everything we need in Romans 8.
A final interactive session of digging into Psalm 77 together
Throughout this passage, Jesus is training his disciples. Even though his disciples don’t understand, Jesus still instructs them, and he doesn’t give up on them.
Where do you turn when disaster descends? Confidence is possible because the invincible, invisible, eternal, almighty God is with you, disciple of Jesus.
Those who fear the Lord can face the future with joy and confident hope.
You are always preaching some kind of gospel to you. What gospel are you preaching?
Paul ransacks his imagination for all images that might pose a threat to the believer’s security and dismisses each of them.
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