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Topic: Evangelism

Philippians, Part 4

Gospel Advance Despite Unfavorable Conditions


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Philippians 1:12-14

Despite opposition, God advances his gospel through those who are in Christ. Therefore, Christians can put their confidence in him.

The Cross: Our Method and Motivation for Mission


Speaker: Philip Martin

Text: John 12:18-32

When some Greeks came to see Jesus, he knew that his death on the cross was near. His thought process in response to their request demonstrated his commitment to the glory of God and the salvation of all people.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 17

A Turning Point in Redemptive History


Speaker: Scott Redd

Text: Luke 9:1-9

When Jesus sends out the twelve to proclaim the kingdom of God, they shift from being learners to proclaimers and his instructions to them sharpen the functions of gospel ministry.

Summer in the Psalms, Part 3

God’s Blessing Goes Global


Speaker: Philip Martin

Text: Psalm 67

Because of our brokenness, we all need God’s blessing. In Christ, that blessing is ours for the asking, but not for us alone. It is to be shared with all nations, so they too will sing his praise.

God’s Heart for the Nations, God’s Call to His People


Speaker: Paul Michaels

Text: Jonah

God says, “I have compassion for the nations, but do you, my people?”

The Game Plan


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Acts 1:1-8

In the final conversation before Jesus’s ascension, he gently dealt with his disciples’ confused priorities. And then he directed them to his game plan: for them to be his witnesses, by his power, to the ends of the earth.

The Time and Place


Speaker: Scott Redd

Text: Acts 1:6-11

Jesus’ goal, his purpose, is for his people to spread over the face of the earth, bearing witness, in our lives, in our words, and in our love, of the salvation that he has won for us.

This is Church, Part 4



Speaker: Roddy Aguirre

His Passion, Our Power, Part 11



Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Acts 2:1-13

We will reach the nations and the generations when we stand as Christ’s witnesses, joyfully declaring the mighty acts of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

His Passion, Our Power, Part 9



Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Acts 1:1-8

As long as there are people on planet earth who have not yet heard a witness to the resurrected Christ, we still have a mission.

Last Words, Part 5

Handling the World’s Hate


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 15:18-16:4

Jesus warns his disciples that they should expect the world to hate them. However, by employing the Holy Spirit's help, they will bear fruit and endure when the going gets tough.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 3

Ordinary People Meet the Extraordinary Jesus


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 1:35-51

In a rather ordinary way, ordinary people meet and follow Jesus and are so impressed by him that they tell others about him, who in turn become followers and then tell others.

Mission Weekend 2016

Meet Our Partners In Japan And Uganda


Enjoy this chance to hear brief reports from two of our most respected church-planting partners.

Mission Weekend 2016

Bible Story Telling To Point To Christ


Drawing from her years of experience in Afghanistan, Debra will share the Bible’s stories as a single narrative of the gospel.

Following Jesus: Being Disciples Who Make Disciples, Part 2

What Disciple Making Looks Like


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12

Making disciples of Jesus involves loving, personal relationships where a Christian helps another person follow Jesus by guiding them in Christian faith and life through their encouragement and example.

Following Jesus: Being Disciples Who Make Disciples, Part 1

Being Disciples Who Make Disciples


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus’ authority over all things and his presence at all times means we can and must make disciples of all people.

We Owe the Gospel to the Nations


Speaker: David Platt

Text: Romans 1:1-17

Possession of the gospel creates a sense of obligation to reach all peoples with the gospel.

Parables: Truth Hidden in Plain Sight, Part 4

The Mustard Seed and Leaven


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 13:31-35

The kingdom of heaven is marked by astonishing growth and unchecked influence according to God’s unfailing plan.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 8

You Are Salt and Light


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 5:13-16

Followers of Jesus Christ are salt and light, influencing and illuminating the world, putting on display good works that bring glory to God their Father.

One to One Bible Reading, Part 2

How Can We Get Started with One to One Bible Reading?


Speaker: David Helm

Getting started is as simple as pray, ask, and meet. However, it isn't easy because asking and meeting requires putting to death fear.

One to One Bible Reading, Part 1

Why Should We Do One to One Bible Reading?


Speaker: David Helm

One to one Bible reading invites everyone to benefit from the total sufficiency, absolute authority, and dynamic potency of God's Word.

World Religions, Part 4



Speaker: Mark Mitchell

This class is an introduction to the beliefs and important concepts in Hinduism.

World Religions, Part 3



Speaker: Mark Mitchell

This class is an introduction to the origins, beliefs and basic practices of Buddhism.

World Religions, Part 2



Speaker: Mark Mitchell

This class is an introduction to the history, beliefs, and basic practices of Judaism.

Testing Emergency Announcement