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Date: May 2018

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 7

Serving the Surpassing Savior


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 3:22-36

Jesus is the Surpassing Savior and it's all about Him. He must increase, I must decrease.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 6

You Must Be Born Again


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 2:23-3:21

You cannot save yourself. But you can find eternal life by lifting up your eyes to Christ lifted up on the cross.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 5

Destroy This Temple And In Three Days I Will Raise It Up


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 2:13-25

Jesus' zeal for his Father's house drove him to clear the temple. But soon his body would be destroyed and raised in three days, providing a new way for God to dwell with all who believe in him.

Testing Emergency Announcement