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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Speaker: Mark Mitchell
If God is perfectly just and we have genuinely broken his law, how can we escape his punishment? Jesus satisfies both the justice of God and the mercy of God by dying in the place of sinners.
Why is life so bad? What happened to paradise? Well, Genesis 3 gives the answer, describing 4 main things: 1) the rebellion, 2) the consequences, 3) the judgment, and 4) the promise.
How did we get here? God's creative work has meaning for us, his creation.
As believers in Jesus, we must not forget to be devoted to prayer and wise toward the world.
Mark Mitchell reminds us that God's people are to devote themselves to good works that are shaped and informed by the Gospel.
God's mercies are intended to be the very springboard and power that governs all our relationships to God, self, one another and even our enemies.
We should submit to governing authorities because they are appointed by God and are servants of God.
No matter what's going on in our lives today or what may happen in the future, is God not worthy of our full and complete trust?
Jesus brings good news of a great reversal.
In times of trouble, God graciously guides those who wait for him and trust in his goodness.
The sin of idolatry is deadly serious but forgiveness is possible through God’s provision of an intercessor.
Jesus’ authority over all things and his presence at all times means we can and must make disciples of all people.
Love is supreme. Therefore pursue love above everything else.
Christians live worthy of the gospel when they strive for unity, following the example of Christ.
God’s abundant grace toward us enables us to be abundantly gracious givers.
The kingdom of heaven is marked by astonishing growth and unchecked influence according to God’s unfailing plan.
Familiarity with Jesus without faith in Jesus is dangerous. So is knowledge about Jesus without knowing him. The remedy is to embrace the gospel of Jesus.
Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, the Messianic figure foretold by the prophet Isaiah and anticipated by the Jewish people.
We recognize and receive the kingdom of heaven through the gracious revelation of the Father, the exclusive agency of the Son, and his sincere invitation to the weary.
Christmas creates humble, sacrificial servants who follow Christ’s supreme example.
Jesus promises that asking, and even asking again, is not futile because God honors persistence and he delights in giving good gifts.
Followers of Jesus Christ are salt and light, influencing and illuminating the world, putting on display good works that bring glory to God their Father.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
In this third and final class, we discuss principles for demonstrating mercy and justice today along with some associated challenges.
Deacons are qualified non-governing officers in the church who serve under the direction and oversight of the elders in areas of practical or mercy-related ministry.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
In this class, we explore the topic of mercy by looking at what the Bible has to say about wealth and possessions, the parable of the good Samaritan, and how mercy flows from God's character.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
In this class, we explore the meaning and demonstration of biblical justice by surveying sections of Scripture, from the old testament narratives, wisdom, and prophetic writings to the new testament.
Waiting with anticipation of the Lord's return leads to right living until he comes.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
This class is an introduction to the beliefs and important concepts in Hinduism.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
This class is an introduction to the origins, beliefs and basic practices of Buddhism.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
This class is an introduction to the history, beliefs, and basic practices of Judaism.
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