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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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God is faithful, but the only way to experience His faithfulness is to believe in Him. And true faith is only expressed when we obey Him.
We can give continually, worshipfully, and sacrificially, confidently knowing that God will supply all our needs, while our giving produces fruit that increases to our credit.
Our starting place for considering our giving is not guilt or self-righteousness, but the Gospel.
A life devoted to God is marked by generosity, compassion, and a regard for Scripture, which will have a bearing on our eternal destiny.
Jesus has a stern warning for us in this parable: He who covets and stores up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God is a fool.
The Bible is clear that the family of God should meet one another’s needs in response to the gospel of Christ. Christians should contribute thoughtfully, consistently, and proportionally. The church, then, should handle that giving honorably.
Speaker: Jose Troche
The book of Proverbs has valuable, matter-of-fact wisdom that we can learn from in relation to wealth and possessions.
Time flies when you are caught up in the joy of what God has given you to do in the present.
God is evaluating our giving. Are we showing that we trust him?
True godliness is believing in God and living a life marked by contentment.
Generosity is giving rooted in the gospel. The generous giver produces abundant righteousness and strengthens the bonds of Christian love.
Speaker: Wayne Grudem
Dr. Wayne Grudem speaks on business and morality, including a question and answer time.
Testing Emergency Announcement