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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Christ’s pattern of humility fosters a unity that fuels the advance of His gospel.
We are called to renounce Christian envy and to rejoice that Christ is proclaimed despite our differences. There is no room for sibling rivalry in the household of God.
Despite opposition, God advances his gospel through those who are in Christ. Therefore, Christians can put their confidence in him.
The real substance of our Christian faith is well presented in Paul’s greeting at the very beginning of his letter to the Philippians
The Lord Jesus receives and, in fact, seeks out lost sinners. He then rejoices with heaven when they are “found” as they demonstrate faith and repentance.
The gospel is the majestic unfolding story of God’s grace, and the heart of that story is Jesus. He ought to forever be the substance of our proclamation, source of our motivation, and the fuel of our adoration. This gospel is central when it shapes, guides, and leads the way we live every day of the Christian life.
Life is short, so God himself is our only true protection, provision, and rest. May he help us to live wisely, be satisfied with his love, and see his power establish the works or our hands.
The cross is offensive, but it is also glorious and sufficient for salvation.
Christ has set you free, so persist in your freedom by serving one another in love.
Paul makes a personal, fatherly, and pastoral appeal for the true gospel with three questions: 1) How can you turn back? 2) What became of the blessing you felt? and 3) Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
Paul would not budge on his conviction that justification is by faith in Christ and not works of the law. This conviction, and his willingness even to confront Peter over it, protected the purpose of the death of Christ and the gospel itself.
The true gospel will always be consistent with its apostolic foundation and the broader Christian congregation.
Paul uses his life story to prove that he was not the source of his message. Four things in his conversion demonstrate that God is the source of the gospel. God is the one who consecrated Paul, called him by grace, revealed the Son to him, and commissioned him for a purpose.
All people, even Christians, tend to turn to fake gospels. Paul has strong warnings for those who preach and embrace them.
Speaker: Pat Ennis
As disciples of Jesus, we have the blessed assurance that he is alive, present, powerful and committed to pursuing and keeping us. Having given us these assurances, he continues to say, “Follow me” even when we’ve failed him.
God does not want our empty rituals but our hearts. He does not want us to appease him but rather walk with him, receiving his wisdom, his direction, and—most importantly—his forgiveness.
Spiritual growth is best fostered in an environment that alleviates shame and admonishes with the gospel in the context of real relationships.
In the final words of 1 Corinthians, Paul gathers a potpourri of items that he deems important and wants to make sure he relates.
The truth of the gospel frees us to forsake isolation and pursue relationship as Christian men.
Self-denial is always for a greater goal. When Paul calls Christians to deny themselves by accommodating others and disciplining themselves, he does so for the advance of the gospel.
God’s wisdom is not the wisdom of this age. Rather, the wisdom of God is the gospel of God revealed by the Spirit of God.
The church must live in light of the fact that it is united to Christ.
We were meant to live life in light of what God has done and what he will do.
Speaker: Mark Mitchell
If God is perfectly just and we have genuinely broken his law, how can we escape his punishment? Jesus satisfies both the justice of God and the mercy of God by dying in the place of sinners.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
We have a serious problem. It's us. God doesn't leave us to try to fix ourselves — he gives us Jesus.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Robin teaches on God's attributes of knowledge/omniscience, will, power, holiness, and goodness.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Can we really know God in any meaningful way?
Through our union with Christ, believers are freed from life under the law.
The gospel is the power of God for salvation. It unifies the church and propels the church.
Text: John 1:1-18
Our holy God has come in human flesh to give us life and grace.
Because God is awesome in His holiness, we need a mediator in order to be reconciled with Him.
Christians live worthy of the gospel when they strive for unity, following the example of Christ.
Christ is preeminent and supreme, so we must continue to entrust ourselves to the hope of His gospel.
Familiarity with Jesus without faith in Jesus is dangerous. So is knowledge about Jesus without knowing him. The remedy is to embrace the gospel of Jesus.
Jesus sets before us two destinies. He makes a call to discipleship, and it requires a choice. Will we follow him?
You are always preaching some kind of gospel to you. What gospel are you preaching?
Many Christians struggle with conflict because they constantly forget to "power up" the gospel. The gospel motivates peacemaking, and, through the gospel, Jesus models the essential elements of peacemaking.
Robin Boisvert teaches on Paul's subject of the law in his letter to the Romans.
Robin Boisvert teaches on our being one with Christ, and slaves to righteousness.
This section of the letter of Romans is a stinging indictment of the entire human race. All are under sin and are therefore under the wrath of God.
Robin Boisvert gives an overview of the book of Romans and examines the Gospel as the power of God for salvation.
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