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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
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Paul shows that justification is by faith alone through each Christian’s experience, Abraham’s example, and Christ’s exoneration.
Speaker: Pat Ennis
Paul would not budge on his conviction that justification is by faith in Christ and not works of the law. This conviction, and his willingness even to confront Peter over it, protected the purpose of the death of Christ and the gospel itself.
Speaker: Pat Ennis
The true gospel will always be consistent with its apostolic foundation and the broader Christian congregation.
Paul uses his life story to prove that he was not the source of his message. Four things in his conversion demonstrate that God is the source of the gospel. God is the one who consecrated Paul, called him by grace, revealed the Son to him, and commissioned him for a purpose.
Testing Emergency Announcement