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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Speaker: Kevin Rogers
What is the church? What does it mean to be a member of it? And what does it look like to live that out?
The Lord always has, and always will, use communities of imperfect people to accomplish extraordinary things as they simply live out their new life in Christ together in unity, in progress, and in purpose.
Speaker: Matt Maka
The church is a blood-bought group of Jesus lovers who band together under the oversight and care of weak yet Spirit-appointed pastors with the ultimate aim of glorifying God.
Believing in the church can be hard, but it is worth it.
Jesus is personally and decisively building his church to be his own possession.This should fill us with confidence that no opposition will hold back Christ’s purposes for his church.
Paul uses the metaphor of the human body to explain how the church is one spiritual people comprised of individuals who both need others’ God-ordained gifts and are needed by everyone else.
Jesus’ goal, his purpose, is for his people to spread over the face of the earth, bearing witness, in our lives, in our words, and in our love, of the salvation that he has won for us.
To build a church, we have to build carefully, sustainably, soberly, and humbly.
Church life marked by the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer will result in a compelling witness to a world in search of hope.
Speaker: Roddy Aguirre
Community is a blessing from God to us and its power is displayed on how it brings opposites together.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
On Pentecost, Peter explained the coming of the Holy Spirit to the bewildered crowd. He preached that this Jesus—attested by God, crucified, raised, and exalted—is indeed both Lord and Christ.
Speaker: Roddy Aguirre
Explore the idea and meaning of church through the eyes of Scripture.
As long as there are people on planet earth who have not yet heard a witness to the resurrected Christ, we still have a mission.
Speaker: Kevin Rogers
We are a family on a mission. And the door of our house is painted red. We enter God’s house because of God grace, to live his truth, and to proclaim his salvation.
Speaker: Kevin Rogers
Regular church gatherings are one specific context actually mandated to us by God. But why?
God's mercies are intended to be the very springboard and power that governs all our relationships to God, self, one another and even our enemies.
Love is supreme. Therefore pursue love above everything else.
God has made us one body and every part is needed.
Christ's death brought us near to God and broke down the walls between us, creating a new dwelling place for God in the church.
We glorify God in the church by loving and serving one another.
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