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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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If Jesus uses the same standards to judge me that I’ve used to judge him, will I be acquitted?
At a certain time and in a certain place, a space-time event occurred. A certain man, a God-man was crucified and died. Significant? World-changing? Nothing else comes even close. Nothing is more important than this.
Heaven, Jesus, and the onlookers responded to the cross. How will you respond?
The burial of Jesus was an emphatic confirmation that Jesus was dead. Yet, after one dark Saturday, he would rise again.
There are only two responses to the resurrection: it is either an idle tale, or it is something we behold and then marvel.
Jesus comes to each of us as a stranger, at first anyway. But when we believe what the Scriptures say about him, we see him in truth.
We need God’s help to see God’s Son and God’s Word.
We must not only remember what Christ has done and look forward to what Christ will do. We must also think carefully about what Christ is doing right now, reigning at the right hand of the Father.
As long as there are people on planet earth who have not yet heard a witness to the resurrected Christ, we still have a mission.
Jesus had ascended, but the Spirit had not yet descended. In the meantime the disciples learned the importance of obedience, waiting patiently, prayer, fellowship, and leadership.
We will reach the nations and the generations when we stand as Christ’s witnesses, joyfully declaring the mighty acts of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
On Pentecost, Peter explained the coming of the Holy Spirit to the bewildered crowd. He preached that this Jesus—attested by God, crucified, raised, and exalted—is indeed both Lord and Christ.
Church life marked by the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer will result in a compelling witness to a world in search of hope.
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