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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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We are called to renounce Christian envy and to rejoice that Christ is proclaimed despite our differences. There is no room for sibling rivalry in the household of God.
The Lord always has, and always will, use communities of imperfect people to accomplish extraordinary things as they simply live out their new life in Christ together in unity, in progress, and in purpose.
God says, “I have compassion for the nations, but do you, my people?”
Jesus is personally and decisively building his church to be his own possession.This should fill us with confidence that no opposition will hold back Christ’s purposes for his church.
Church life marked by the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer will result in a compelling witness to a world in search of hope.
Speaker: Roddy Aguirre
Community is a blessing from God to us and its power is displayed on how it brings opposites together.
Jesus had ascended, but the Spirit had not yet descended. In the meantime the disciples learned the importance of obedience, waiting patiently, prayer, fellowship, and leadership.
Speaker: John Leconte, Jose Troche, Kevin Rogers, Robin Boisvert, Steve Wyzga, Todd Keeler
Let's dress in the wardrobe God has picked out for us and purchased for us. And tying it all together, let's put on love.
Text: Ephesians 4:11-16
To reach our full potential as a church, each of us must disciple one another.
Making disciples of Jesus involves loving, personal relationships where a Christian helps another person follow Jesus by guiding them in Christian faith and life through their encouragement and example.
Jesus’ authority over all things and his presence at all times means we can and must make disciples of all people.
Possession of the gospel creates a sense of obligation to reach all peoples with the gospel.
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