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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Speaker: Kevin Rogers
Every Christian is under some God-ordained authority. Out of love and reverence for God, we will live under the authorities that he places among us.
Paul teaches married couples to remain one flesh and committed in marriage and to be at peace when marriage ends.
Wife, subject yourself to your husband’s leadership. Husband, live with your wife in an understanding way. And to both, do so for the Lord’s sake!
In Malachi’s day, the Israelites were marrying women who led them to worship false gods and were being unfaithful to their wives. In response, this passage calls us today to honor God when pursuing marriage and honor God by being faithful in marriage.
Speaker: Scott Redd
Dr. Scott Redd and his wife Jennifer addresses men about complementairian marriage and parenting.
Speaker: Keith Welton
This seminar explores foundational biblical principles that marriage is God's idea and it is good. Marriage is God's idea by creating male and female to fulfill His purposes together, by creating a helper fit for Adam, by giving away the first bride and by speaking marriage's design of a one-flesh union into existence. After laying the theological foundation for marriage, this seminar then explores what it practically means to "think together" as a couple.
Speaker: Steve Wyzga
Speaker: Keith Welton
Husbands and wives are both created equal in the image of God, and yet in the oneness of marriage they have different roles for glorifying God. This message expounds on those differences and explains how the gospel informs and motivates each in their specific roles.
Trusting and obeying the Lord in our everyday relationships honors and glorifies Him.
Testing Emergency Announcement