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Topic: The Power & Effects of Sin

Devoted to God, Part 5

Freed From Sin


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 6:1-14

Jesus died to free us from sin so that we may be devoted to God.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 8

Out With the Old


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 3:1-11

A resurrection mindset calls for putting off sin because we have died with Christ.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 16

Jesus is Lord Over Disease and Death


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 8:40-56

Jesus has authority over the effects of the curse within us: disease and death. He is worthy of our praise, love, faith, hope and ultimate allegiance.

3 Thorns and Your Life


Speaker: Philip Martin

Text: Mark 4:18-20

The Book of Romans, Part 10

Adam and Christ—Contrast and Comparison


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 5:12-21

Introducing God, Part 4

The Promised One


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

God has appointed Jesus as king. How does he exercise authority and how does he fix the problems of this world?

Introducing God, Part 2

Our “Declaration of Independence”


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Genesis 3:1-19

Why is life so bad? What happened to paradise? Well, Genesis 3 gives the answer, describing 4 main things: 1) the rebellion, 2) the consequences, 3) the judgment, and 4) the promise.

Romans: The Most Important Letter Ever Written, Part 5

Freed from Sin


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 6:1-14

Through union with Christ we've been freed from enslavement to sin so that we might serve God.

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 2

Spiritual Blindness


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Isaiah 6

The Holy Spirit opens our eyes from spiritual blindness in order to see God in his holiness.

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 1

Religious Wickedness


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Isaiah 1:1-20

If we acknowledge our sin for what it is, God is so good and kind to redeem us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Restless, Part 4



Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Psalms 103

Let us praise the Lord for his immeasurable steadfast love toward us, his people.

Living Three Dimensional Lives


Speaker: Ken Sande

Text: Matthew 22:37-39

God created us to be three dimensional people, using our hearts, souls, and minds to be aware of self, others, and God.

Wanting Food, Not Fathering


Speaker: Russell Moore

Text: Matthew 3:13-4:4

Satanic powers want to destroy Christians by leading them to forget who they are in Christ and to tempt them to grasp for themselves the things they desire.

Genesis: From Creation to Covenant, Part 3

From Flood to Babel


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22

This class looks at the period of the flood and its place in redemptive history. It reveals not only God's judgment on sin but the salvation of the faithful.

Nehemiah: When God Revives His People, Part 8

Revival and Recommitment


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Nehemiah 9:38-10:39

When God revives His people, they respond in grace-filled recommitment. They make the appropriate connections between their sins and the difficulties of their lives, and then commit to change, being distinct from the world by living in love.

Romans, Part 8

The Christian and the Law


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 7

Robin Boisvert teaches on Paul's subject of the law in his letter to the Romans.

Romans, Part 7

Union with Christ and Victory Over Sin


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 6

Robin Boisvert teaches on our being one with Christ, and slaves to righteousness.

Testing Emergency Announcement