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Scripture: Exodus

The Revelation of the Divine Name


Speaker: Gray Sutanto

Text: Exodus 3:1-15

When Moses meets God at the burning bush, God reveals his divine name and with it how people can know him and be saved by him.

Covenant: Our Promise–Keeping God, Part 5

The Covenant with Israel


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Exodus 24:1-11

In Exodus 24, God graciously invited Israel to become his people, and they devoted themselves to him. The terms of the covenant between God and Israel are read, the contract is sealed in blood, and then the covenant benefits are enjoyed.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 15

God Dwells With His People


Speaker: Don DeVries

Text: Exodus 40

God purposed to be with his people.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 14

Blessed Reassurance - The Covenant Is Renewed


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 33-34

In spite of their failure, God renews the covenant and reassures His people. God's gracious covenant love is stronger than our sin.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 13

The Golden Calf


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Exodus 31:18-32:35

The sin of idolatry is deadly serious but forgiveness is possible through God’s provision of an intercessor.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 11

Covenant Commitment


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Exodus 24:1-11

As believers, we enter a covenant with God where we accept his terms, sign the contract and enjoy his everlasting benefits.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 10

The Ten Commandments


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 20:1-20

Are the ten commandments important to Christians today? Yes, they reveal the nature of God as well as his will for us.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 9

Awesome in Holiness


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 19:3-25

Because God is awesome in His holiness, we need a mediator in order to be reconciled with Him.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 8

You Yourselves Have Seen


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 19:1-6

God graciously invites us to keep His covenant so that He might delight in us and that we might bring Him glory.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 7

Departure, Deliverance, and the Glory of God


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 12:37-14:31

Salvation is of the LORD, totally, entirely, and all for his glory.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 5

The Plagues: God is Glorified in Salvation Through Judgment


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Exodus 7-10

The power and saving purposes of God are put on universal display through these great acts of judgment so that God is glorified among the Egyptians, the Israelites, and even to the ends of the earth.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 4

Trust and Obey in the Day of Trouble


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 5:22-6:13

Even when things look bad, God calls his people to trust and obey him because he is faithful to fulfill his promises.

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 3

The Call and Commission of Moses


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 3:1-4:17

Moses says, "I am not." God says, "I AM."

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 1

Even When Life Is Hard


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 1

We can trust God to fulfill his promises and to deliver his people even when life is hard.

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