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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Paul’s prayer is that we would live lives worthy of the gospel, growing in love, knowledge, discernment, and holiness for the glory of God.
Through the gospel, God has transformed us into new creations with new purposes and powers.
A life devoted to God is marked by generosity, compassion, and a regard for Scripture, which will have a bearing on our eternal destiny.
While the parable of the Good Samaritan provides an example of compassion, Jesus also uses it to reveal a much deeper issue that requires not just a simple change in behavior but a full regeneration of the heart.
Paul urges Philemon and the Church to encourage one another, make sacrifices, and demonstrate grace as they pursue Gospel reconciliation for the sake of Christ.
The new lifestyle we are called to involves putting off what is earthly and putting on what is heavenly.
Paul saw what God was doing in the Colossian church. Through Jesus, God made them holy before him and adopted them into his household. Their hope in heaven fueled their faith in Christ and love for all the saints by the power of the gospel.
Jesus’ command to love our enemies is a personal ethic for persecuted disciples. When we enlarge our frame of reference, we will see that we follow a Savior who exemplified his own command by loving us who were once his enemies.
Living by the Spirit means bearing one another’s burdens and persevering in doing good.
Gifts without love are nothing but a joke. Love seeks what is best for others and will remain even after the gifts pass away.
Loving others involves doing what is best for them. Loving God involves showing he is best. This is bringing glory to him, doing all to his glory.
Self-denial is always for a greater goal. When Paul calls Christians to deny themselves by accommodating others and disciplining themselves, he does so for the advance of the gospel.
Following in Christ’s footsteps, Paul set an example for the Corinthian church by not insisting on his rights. He did this to advance the gospel and care for others’ consciences.
You will honor God and will serve the soul of your brother or sister if you prioritize the protection of their conscience.
The Christian life is not easy, but neither is it complicated. Our calling is to worship God and imitate him by loving people.
It is a distinct mark of the Church that she care for the poor and needy, especially widows.
Jesus calls his disciples to live lives that bear much fruit, fruit that is rooted in his unsearchable love for them.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler continues to address high schoolers on having a God-honoring relationship with family.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler addresses high schoolers on having a God-honoring relationship with family.
We are dearly loved children of God who imitate him by sacrificially loving others.
God can use greeting to change lives, by making a difference in an individual and in a church.
God’s Word gives us a command, a model, a guide and a goal to compel us to live in Christian unity despite our differences.
Let's dress in the wardrobe God has picked out for us and purchased for us. And tying it all together, let's put on love.
Love is supreme. Therefore pursue love above everything else.
Because Christ is supreme, we can entrust our ordinary lives to him, and our ordinary tasks can have extraordinary meaning.
We glorify God in the church by loving and serving one another.
How we regard Jesus Christ in our beliefs and actions determines our eternal destiny.
The way we treat a straying Christian is a big deal to Jesus.
Generosity is giving rooted in the gospel. The generous giver produces abundant righteousness and strengthens the bonds of Christian love.
Christmas creates humble, sacrificial servants who follow Christ’s supreme example.
Hurt and conflict, somehow, someway, become the ingredients of all of our relationships. Learn why hope turns into disappointment and peace morphs into conflict, and discover how your relationships can be what they were designed to be.
We truly worship God when we honor his word and show love for his children.
When God revives His people, they respond in grace-filled recommitment. They make the appropriate connections between their sins and the difficulties of their lives, and then commit to change, being distinct from the world by living in love.
This passage presents us with the practical outworking of love based on a gospel foundation.
In Romans 12 & 13 we see how believing the gospel and obeying the gospel are inseparable aspects of the gospel.
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