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Topic: Jesus Christ

Philippians, Part 10

The Humility and Exaltation of Jesus


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Philippians 2:5-11

Jesus is the supreme model of selflessness. Because of this, the Father has given him the name above all names. We are called to follow his example of humility and worship him for his greatness.

The Revelation of the Divine Name


Speaker: Gray Sutanto

Text: Exodus 3:1-15

When Moses meets God at the burning bush, God reveals his divine name and with it how people can know him and be saved by him.

Gift of Gifts, Part 4

Receiving the Gift of Gifts


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 1:1-14

What does it mean to receive the gift of Jesus Christ? Receiving him is believing him, receiving a new family, and seeing his glory.

Gift of Gifts, Part 3

A Gift Formed in Power


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Colossians 1:15-20

Jesus Christ is not just well intended. He is the all-powerful Lord over creation who accomplishes our redemption.

Gift of Gifts, Part 2

A Gift Propelled by Love


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: 1 John 4:9-10

At Christmas, God showed his love for us by sending his only son to give us life through propitiation for our sins.

Gift of Gifts, Part 1

A Gift Filled with Wonder


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Philippians 2:6-11

At Christmas, we celebrate the miraculous gift of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became fully human and took the form of a humble servant for our redemption. Now He is exalted to the highest degree and we worship Him.

Revelation: Christ is King, Part 2

Letters to the Church


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Revelation 1:9-2:7

We do not overcome trials and temptations by our own power or might. The weapons of our warfare are not of this world. We are mighty when we hear and heed the Words of Christ. He who has ears to hear, let him hear—and overcome.

Luke: the Wisdom of Jesus, Part 4

The Lord Receives Sinners


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Luke 15:1-10

The Lord Jesus receives and, in fact, seeks out lost sinners. He then rejoices with heaven when they are “found” as they demonstrate faith and repentance.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 7

Resurrection Identity


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Colossians 3:1-4

There are three facets of a resurrection identity: know your resurrection experience, pursue a resurrection mindset, and anticipate your resurrection hope.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 6

Christ + Anything = Nothing


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 2:16-23

Because of who Christ is and what he’s done, we should resist the temptation to find fullness anywhere other than in him.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 5

Alive in Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 2:6-15

In Christ dwells all the fullness of the deity in bodily form. If you have Christ, you have everything.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 3

Christ, Supreme and Sufficient


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 1:15-23

Jesus Christ alone is central, supreme, and sufficient in both creation and redemption.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 1

What is God Doing?


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Colossians 1:1-8

Paul saw what God was doing in the Colossian church. Through Jesus, God made them holy before him and adopted them into his household. Their hope in heaven fueled their faith in Christ and love for all the saints by the power of the gospel.

Rooted, Part 19

Of Christ the Mediator, Part B


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Luke: the Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 20

Failures of the Disciples


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Luke 9:37-50

The failures of the disciples can teach us to depend on God’s power, pray for understanding of the cross, and work in unity for God’s kingdom.

Rooted, Part 18

Of Christ the Mediator


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 19

The Transfiguration


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 9:28-36

Three names of Jesus reveal his true identity: Christ, Son of Man, and Son of God.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 18

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 9:10-27

Jesus is the provider who supplies my needs and the Savior who suffers and dies for me.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 16

Jesus is Lord Over Disease and Death


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 8:40-56

Jesus has authority over the effects of the curse within us: disease and death. He is worthy of our praise, love, faith, hope and ultimate allegiance.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 15

Reckoning with the Reign of Jesus


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 8:22-39

Jesus reigns over nature and demons and calls on his disciples to trust him.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 14

Responding to the Light


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 8:16-21

Our response to Jesus’ teaching really matters. The good and honest heart that places Jesus and his teaching above all else will bear fruit.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 13

Sower and Soils


Speaker: Philip Martin

Text: Luke 8:1-15

The question rising from the book of Luke, and now posed by the Parable of the Sower, is this: How are you responding to Jesus?

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 12

Jesus, Friend of Sinners


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 7:36-50

Jesus loves to forgive the sins of those with faith because those who are forgiven much love much.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 11

Questioning Jesus


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 7:18-35

Jesus did not always meet people’s expectations. He brought an unexpected salvation and built an unexpected kingdom.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 10

Jesus’ Powerful Word to Heal the Sick and Raise the Dead


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 7:1-17

We are called to humbly believe that Jesus’ omnipotent, unstoppable words of command have authority over sickness and death.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 9

The Life of Discipleship


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 6:39-49

The life of discipleship is an examined life, an authentic life, and an enduring life.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 8

Kingdom Ethics – Love Your Enemies


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 6:27-36

Jesus’ command to love our enemies is a personal ethic for persecuted disciples. When we enlarge our frame of reference, we will see that we follow a Savior who exemplified his own command by loving us who were once his enemies.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 7

The Blessings of Being a Disciple of Jesus


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 6:12-26

Disciples are those who have been chosen by Jesus and have decided to follow him. The kingdom of God and all its spiritual blessings belong to them, though with it comes persecution.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus , Part 6

Sabbath Showdown


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 6:1-11

The Sabbath showdown of Luke 6 is just one battleground in a war about whether Jesus is subject to our terms for life or whether he is the one who sets them.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 5

Scandalous Grace


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 5:27-39

Jesus drove the Pharisees nuts by showing such great favor to people who were so greatly ill-deserving.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 4

Two Miracles


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 5:12-26

Jesus is willing and able to cleanse the outcast, and he has the authority to forgive sins.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 3

The Call to Discipleship


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Luke 5:1-11

Jesus calls you to join his team. This call to discipleship is gracious, definite, missional, and sacrificial.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 2

Miracles That Preach


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 4:31-44

The miracles of Jesus make a statement about the man. They show us his authority, identity, and mission.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 1

Familiarity with Jesus


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 4:14-30

Familiarity can blind us to who a person is. The people in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth were skeptical of his claims and felt entitled to his power. Therefore, they missed the opportunity to humbly hear his message and respond in faith.

Summer in the Psalms, Part 11

Psalm 58


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Psalm 58

Does Psalm 58 make you uncomfortable, embarrassed, or troubled? How should we think about prayers in Scripture that call on God to curse our enemies?

Dinner with Jesus


Speaker: Mike McKinley

Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners? Because those are the people Jesus came to rescue.

We Believe, Part 6

We Believe Christ is Exalted


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 24:50-53

Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father and is reigning. His exaltation continues and intensifies his spiritual presence with us, his rule through his Word, his power over our enemies, and his intercession as our advocate.

We Believe, Part 5

We Believe Christ is Risen


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 19:41-20:20

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most consequential event in human history. It has altered the fate of nations, transformed cultures, and changed billions of individual lives. The question confronting each of us is this: Have a few zealous disciples fooled billions of people, or did a loving God come to us, die for us, and raise from the dead for us?  At Covenant Life, we are answering that question, very clearly and very simply: we believe.

We Believe, Part 4

We Believe Jesus Suffered


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

It was necessary for Jesus to suffer because we need someone to rescue us from the wrath of God.

Follow Jesus with Blessed Assurance


Speaker: Pat Ennis

As disciples of Jesus, we have the blessed assurance that he is alive, present, powerful and committed to pursuing and keeping us. Having given us these assurances, he continues to say, “Follow me” even when we’ve failed him.

The Ultimate Gift


Speaker: Todd Keeler

Text: Matthew 1:18-25

God gave the ultimate gift to us through virgin conception because Jesus had to be both fully divine and fully human to save us.

We Believe, Part 2

We Believe in Jesus Christ


Speaker: John Leconte

Jesus Christ is fully God, fully human, and Lord.

Christ Will Build His Church


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Matthew 16:13-18

Jesus is personally and decisively building his church to be his own possession.This should fill us with confidence that no opposition will hold back Christ’s purposes for his church.

The Time and Place


Speaker: Scott Redd

Text: Acts 1:6-11

Jesus’ goal, his purpose, is for his people to spread over the face of the earth, bearing witness, in our lives, in our words, and in our love, of the salvation that he has won for us.

Perfect Peace, Part 2

Perfect Peace


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Isaiah 42:1-7

There is no deeper peace than knowing you are forgiven and reconciled to God. That is the peace the Son secures for all who trust in him and call on his name.

Perfect Peace, Part 1

The Coming King


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Isaiah 9:1-7

Who will you trust? To whom will you ultimately look for help in your time of need? Past mercies, present promises, and future hope can help us trust in the Lord today.

A Test of Trust


Speaker: Phil Martin

Text: Isaiah 7:1-14

In Isaiah 7, God invited Israel’s King Ahaz to trust him. Ahaz failed the test of trust. God also invites us to trust him. Will we pass the test?

His Passion, Our Power, Part 12

What Does This Mean?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

On Pentecost, Peter explained the coming of the Holy Spirit to the bewildered crowd. He preached that this Jesus—attested by God, crucified, raised, and exalted—is indeed both Lord and Christ.

His Passion, Our Power, Part 8

The Ascension


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 24:50-53

We must not only remember what Christ has done and look forward to what Christ will do. We must also think carefully about what Christ is doing right now, reigning at the right hand of the Father.

His Passion, Our Power, Part 3

Reckon with the Cross


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 23:44-49

Heaven, Jesus, and the onlookers responded to the cross. How will you respond?

His Passion, Our Power, Part 2

The Passion of the Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 23:26-33

At a certain time and in a certain place, a space-time event occurred. A certain man, a God-man was crucified and died. Significant? World-changing? Nothing else comes even close. Nothing is more important than this.

His Passion, Our Power, Part 1

God in the Dock


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 23:1-25

If Jesus uses the same standards to judge me that I’ve used to judge him, will I be acquitted?

Habits of Grace, Part 4



Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 13:1-17

Jesus repeatedly boils his life and mission down to a call to serve. All the Bible’s commands to serve others are rooted in and reference back to him.

1 Peter: Living Hope, Part 11

Following the Man of Sorrows


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: 1 Peter 2:18-25

Those who follow Christ’s example of submission, even in the face of suffering, will be commended by God.

1 Peter: Living Hope, Part 1

Living Hope


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: 1 Peter 1:3-5

Our hope is in a future inheritance that is founded on God’s mercy, secured through Christ’s resurrection, and kept by God’s power.

Romans 8: Life in the Spirit, Part 1

Live Free


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Romans 8:1-11

Jesus enters into your cycle of guilt and exhaustion and offers rest. But not only rest, he also gives power to live a truly spiritual life.

Christ Has Come, Part 1

The Miracle of the Incarnation


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Matthew 1

Thousands of years ago, in the garden of Eden, God promised he would send a Savior to reverse the curse of sin. He kept that promise in a story that unfolds through history and is gloriously fulfilled with the coming of Jesus Christ.

Last Words, Part 8

Access to God


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 16:25-33

We can know the Father clearly and we can approach the Father directly because the Father loves us personally. So, even in a troubled world, we take courage.

Last Words, Part 7

Real Joy


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 16:20-24

The happiest people are not the richest or most successful ones. The happiest people are those who have found their joy in Jesus Christ.

Last Words, Part 6

Jesus Prepares Us for the Mission


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 16:1-15

The Holy Spirit will come to convict the world, guide his disciples, and glorify Jesus.

Last Words, Part 5

Handling the World’s Hate


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 15:18-16:4

Jesus warns his disciples that they should expect the world to hate them. However, by employing the Holy Spirit's help, they will bear fruit and endure when the going gets tough.

Last Words, Part 4

Bearing Fruit Rooted in the Love of Jesus


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 15:1-17

Jesus calls his disciples to live lives that bear much fruit, fruit that is rooted in his unsearchable love for them.

Last Words, Part 3

The Promise of God’s Presence


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

As Jesus is about to leave the disciples for the cross, he comforts them by reminding them of the necessity of obedience, the reality of the Holy Spirit, and the blessing of relationship.

Last Words, Part 2

Believing is Seeing


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 14:7-14

The most practical thing in a time of testing is believing what Jesus teaches about the One God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because that is what will provide stability for your troubled souls. It will provide fuel for you service. It will truly thrill you, because this is who God is.

Last Words, Part 1

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 14:1-6

Our hearts move from troubled to tranquil when we believe that Jesus holds our future.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 26

Do You Love Jesus?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 21:15-25

After Jesus' resurrection, Peter's denials hung over him like a cloud. Jesus asked a series of painful questions that led to Peter's restoration and commissioning to a life of ministry.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 25

When Jesus Calls Your Name


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 19:41-20:20

When Jesus called Mary by name, she immediately recognized him and became a daughter of God.

The Kind of Death He Died


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 18:28-32

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 24

Behold, Believe, and Bow


Speaker: Matt Maka

Text: John 18:1-11

Jesus is eternal, all-powerful, able to cleanse, and your supreme protector, so bow to him willingly.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 23

The Cross and Christian Love


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 13:21-35

On the night before his betrayal, Jesus loves his enemy. And then commands his disciples to love one another.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 22

On the Night When He Was Betrayed


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

During the last night with His disciples, Jesus performs a shocking act of service in washing their feet. What is the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet, and are we willing to follow in his footsteps?

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 21

Belief and Unbelief


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 12:36-50

Why is it that some people believe and others do not?

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 20

A Different Kind of King


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 12:12-36

Leaders that we can truly admire are few and far between. That leaves us aching for better. Jesus is that true and better king.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 19

Responding to Resurrection Power


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 12:1-11

In John 12 we see how the resurrection of Lazarus is a polarizing event that forces us to respond. Do we embrace Jesus with extravagant devotion like Mary or forcefully reject him like the religious leaders?

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 18

I Am the Resurrection and the Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 11

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead so that we might glorify God, believing Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 17

Are You a Part of Jesus’ Flock?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 10

Are you one of Jesus' sheep? Nothing could be more important.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 16

One Thing I Know


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 9

We need Jesus, the Light of the World at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. We need Jesus, the Light of the World, right now. At this very moment. At every moment.

Fellowship with God


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: 1 John 1:1-2:6

Christian fellowship not only involves the gathering of believers, but we also enter fellowship with God through our faith in the Lord Jesus.

Songs for a Savior, Part 4

The Song of Simeon


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 2:21-35

Simeon, his song and his prophecy, leave us marveling, wondering at Jesus. What child is this?

Songs for a Savior, Part 3

The Song of the Angels


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 2:1-21

The angels know what's unfolding when Jesus' entered the earth, for they are singing it out! But the humans are just beginning to comprehend.

Songs for a Savior, Part 2

Salvation Has Come


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 1:67-79

We used to live in darkness, we were dead, we walked in the path of misery and hopelessness, but Jesus came to lead us into a path of peace and salvation.

Songs for a Savior, Part 1

Mary’s Song


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Luke 1:26-50

Advent begins in the dark. Then, all of a sudden, there's a glimmer of hope. Word comes to Mary that a deliverer is coming.

Knowing God, Part 8

The Doctrine of Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

The doctrine is usually discussed in terms of both the person and the work of Jesus Christ.

Knowing God, Part 7

The Trinity


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

God eternally exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And each person is fully God, and there is one God.

Introducing God, Part 4

The Promised One


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

God has appointed Jesus as king. How does he exercise authority and how does he fix the problems of this world?

Introducing God, Part 3

What is God Doing About It?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

We have a serious problem. It's us. God doesn't leave us to try to fix ourselves — he gives us Jesus.

Belonging to God


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Acts 27:20-26

Belonging to God is a relationship that is marked by the love of the Father, sealed in the blood of

Looking to Jesus


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Hebrews 12:1-17

God is real and God is a rewarder. He promises a great salvation.

Spurgeon Room Studies: This Great Salvation, Part 3

Calling and Regeneration


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Calling and Regeneration

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 15

I Am the Light of the World


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 8:12

Jesus gives this call: "Follow me and you will no longer walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Spurgeon Room Studies: This Great Salvation, Part 2

Union with Christ and Election


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Union with Christ and Election

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 14

Living Water


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 7:12-13

Jesus proclaimed is an invitation to receive from him rivers of living water which will strengthen and encourage us for the work before us.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 13

Jesus Among Skeptics


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 7:1-31

Jesus doesn't dismiss unbelief, he addresses and speaks to the heart of it. Talk to Jesus about your doubts.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 12

I Am the Bread of Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 6:22-71

Jesus is what you need for time and eternity. Believe in him.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 11

I AM! Do Not Fear


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 6:1-21

Jesus Christ is the only one who can take your deepest fears away. Run to him, trust him, and hold on to him with all your heart, soul, and strength and he will take care of your deepest needs.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 10

Eternal Life, Eternal Judgment


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 5:18-47

How do I gain eternal life? How do I avoid eternal judgment? These ought to be the two most important questions in the mind of every living person.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 9

Spiritual Satisfaction


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 4:1-42

In one encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman received a spiritual satisfaction so refreshing it was like springs of water flowing through her heart. That can happen to you, too.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 7

Serving the Surpassing Savior


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 3:22-36

Jesus is the Surpassing Savior and it's all about Him. He must increase, I must decrease.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 6

You Must Be Born Again


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 2:23-3:21

You cannot save yourself. But you can find eternal life by lifting up your eyes to Christ lifted up on the cross.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 5

Destroy This Temple And In Three Days I Will Raise It Up


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 2:13-25

Jesus' zeal for his Father's house drove him to clear the temple. But soon his body would be destroyed and raised in three days, providing a new way for God to dwell with all who believe in him.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 4

Wedding in Crisis


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 2:1-11

By intervening in a wedding in crisis, Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 3

Ordinary People Meet the Extraordinary Jesus


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 1:35-51

In a rather ordinary way, ordinary people meet and follow Jesus and are so impressed by him that they tell others about him, who in turn become followers and then tell others.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 2

Behold, the Lamb of God


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 1:19-34

John is the witness. Jesus is the Christ.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 1

The Word


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 1:1-18

John begins his gospel by introducing his readers to the Word, the witness, the problem, and the solution.

The Promise of Christmas


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

With Mary and Elizabeth, we praise our promise-keeping God for his mercy, strength, and faithfulness.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 8

Gospel Facts and Faithful Followers


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Mark 15:33

Jesus' resurrection changes everything. In the final message of our series in the book of Mark, Robin Boisvert looks at the reactions of the first disciples and what our response can be today.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 7

The Crucified King


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Mark 14:53-15:39

Jesus, the highest king, suffered our condemnation so that we can enter the presence of God.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 5

The Servant Who Gave His Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Mark 10:17-45

The familiar story of the rich, young ruler and the status-seeking request of disciples James and John give Jesus the opportunity to teach us vital lessons: how to enter the Kingdom of God and what Jesus expects of those who follow him.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 4

The Anointed King Who Came To Save The World


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Mark 8:22-38

In this message from Mark 8, John Leconte describes how knowing who Jesus is and what he's come to do should impact our lives.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 3

Who is Jesus?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Mark 3:7-35

In four different scenes, four groups have four different responses to the question, "Who is Jesus?" The way we answer this question will determine our eternal destiny.

Foundations of Faith, Part 5

The Doctrine of Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

In this class, Robin Boisvert covers the Doctrine of Christ.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 1

The Gospel of Mark


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Mark 1:1-15

As we open a 7-part series in the Gospel of Mark this week, Kevin Rogers helps us to grasp the eternal significance of Mark's opening thesis statement: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1).

Romans: The Most Important Letter Ever Written, Part 5

Freed from Sin


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 6:1-14

Through union with Christ we've been freed from enslavement to sin so that we might serve God.

Worthy 16 Session 4 Sermon


Speaker: Matt Maka

What To Wear This Summer


Speaker: Mark Mullery

Text: Colossians 3:12-17

Let's dress in the wardrobe God has picked out for us and purchased for us. And tying it all together, let's put on love.

I Am, Part 7

I Am the True Vine


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 15:1-11

We bear fruit for God's glory by abiding in Christ.

I Am, Part 6

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life


Speaker: Jamie Leach

Text: John 10:1-6

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I Am, Part 5

I Am the Good Shepherd


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 10:1-18

Jesus is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.

I Am, Part 3

I Am the Bread of Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: John 6:22-59

Jesus is the divine Son of the Father, the true bread who came down from heaven and died to give eternal life to everyone who will truly believe in Him.

I Am, Part 1

I Am the Light of the World


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: John 8:12

Jesus says, "I Am the Light of the World."

What Child Is This?, Part 2

The Servant King


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Philippians 2:1-11

Jesus, the child in a manger is also the Servant King, who has come and is coming again.

What Child Is This?, Part 1

God With Us


Text: John 1:1-18

Our holy God has come in human flesh to give us life and grace.

Following Jesus: Being Disciples Who Make Disciples, Part 3

Called to Disciple One Another


Text: Ephesians 4:11-16

To reach our full potential as a church, each of us must disciple one another.

Following Jesus: Being Disciples Who Make Disciples, Part 2

What Disciple Making Looks Like


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12

Making disciples of Jesus involves loving, personal relationships where a Christian helps another person follow Jesus by guiding them in Christian faith and life through their encouragement and example.

Following Jesus: Being Disciples Who Make Disciples, Part 1

Being Disciples Who Make Disciples


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus’ authority over all things and his presence at all times means we can and must make disciples of all people.

Together in Christ, Part 1

Citizens Worthy of the Gospel


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Philippians 1:27-2:11

Christians live worthy of the gospel when they strive for unity, following the example of Christ.

Colossians: Christ is All, Part 12

Ordinary People


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 4:7-18

Because Christ is supreme, we can entrust our ordinary lives to him, and our ordinary tasks can have extraordinary meaning.

Colossians: Christ is All, Part 8

How Then Shall We Live?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 3:1-11

God’s rules enable us to live the Christian life for his glory.

Colossians: Christ is All, Part 6

Don’t Settle for Shadows


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 2:16-23

Because of who Christ is and what he has done for us, we should resist the temptation to find fullness of salvation in anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ.

Colossians: Christ is All, Part 2

The Preeminence of Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 1:15-23

Christ is preeminent and supreme, so we must continue to entrust ourselves to the hope of His gospel.

Colossians: Christ is All, Part 1

Christ is All


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 1:1-14

God has given us great blessings through our trust in Jesus Christ.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 72

The Agony of Jesus in the Shadow of the Cross


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Matthew 26:30-46

Jesus' agony in Gethsemane awakens us to the cost of our redemption, calls us to alert prayerfulness, and comforts us in our own distress.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 71

As They Were Eating


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 26:17-29

Though it was the night he would be betrayed, Jesus instituted a meal that reminds us of the covenant of grace that God has initiated.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 49

Jesus Trains His Disciples


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 17:14-27

Throughout this passage, Jesus is training his disciples. Even though his disciples don’t understand, Jesus still instructs them, and he doesn’t give up on them.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 47

Jesus’ Cross and Ours


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Matthew 16:21-28

Suffering precedes glory for Jesus and his disciples.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 44

The Heart that Honors God


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 15:1-20

The heart that honors God keeps traditions in their right place and avoids hypocrisy, trusting in God alone for righteousness.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 42

Wrong Ways to Respond to Jesus


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 13:53-14:12

Familiarity with Jesus without faith in Jesus is dangerous. So is knowledge about Jesus without knowing him. The remedy is to embrace the gospel of Jesus.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 41

When It Comes To Jesus, There Can Be No Neutrality


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 12:38-50

To avoid condemnation we must align ourselves with Jesus Christ by becoming his disciples, doing the will of the Father.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 39

God’s Chosen Servant


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 12:15-21

Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, the Messianic figure foretold by the prophet Isaiah and anticipated by the Jewish people.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 36

Come and Find Rest


Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Matthew 11:25-30

We recognize and receive the kingdom of heaven through the gracious revelation of the Father, the exclusive agency of the Son, and his sincere invitation to the weary.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 34

Are You the One Who Is To Come?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 11:1-9

Even John the Baptist had doubts about Jesus as Savior, but he went to Jesus for answers. What will you do with Jesus Christ?

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 29

Jesus Christ, Compassionate Lord


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Faith is like a lifeline thrown out to someone who’s fallen overboard. The one on the saving end of the line is Jesus. Your faith is what connects you to him.

What Christmas Creates, Part 2



Speaker: Mark Mitchell

Text: Philippians 2:1-11

Christmas creates humble, sacrificial servants who follow Christ’s supreme example.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 7

The Beatitudes


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 5:1-12

The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' authoritative teaching about the way believers should live as members of the kingdom of heaven. The Beatitudes are both a summary of the sermon and a description of the privileges and responsibilities of followers of Jesus.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 5

The Temptation and Victory of Christ


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 3:13-4:11

Jesus overcomes the devil’s temptations on our behalf by passing the test that Israel failed.

Matthew: The Life and Words of Jesus, Part 1

Introducing the Gospel of Matthew


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 1:1-17

Matthew is the story of Jesus Christ, a true story about a man unlike any other man who ever lived.

From Rubbish to Rescue


Speaker: Matt Chandler

Text: Philippians 3:1-16

Don't simply put on the outward appearance of holiness, playing the Christian "game." Treasure Jesus Christ above all else to find true righteousness and power for a godly life.

Wanting Food, Not Fathering


Speaker: Russell Moore

Text: Matthew 3:13-4:4

Satanic powers want to destroy Christians by leading them to forget who they are in Christ and to tempt them to grasp for themselves the things they desire.

2 Peter, Part 1

The Stability of Our Times


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: 2 Peter 1-3

We live in a fallen world, an unstable world, a world of uncertainty. However, growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ is the antidote to that instability.

Romans, Part 3

The Biblical Doctrine of Justification: How Can I Be Right With God?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 3:19-31

Why do we need to be justified?

Testing Emergency Announcement