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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Living by the Spirit means bearing one another’s burdens and persevering in doing good.
Speaker: Roddy Aguirre
Community is a blessing from God to us and its power is displayed on how it brings opposites together.
Fellowship is more than encouragement, friendship, and belonging. Fellowship is an antidote to apostasy.
Christian fellowship not only involves the gathering of believers, but we also enter fellowship with God through our faith in the Lord Jesus.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler continues to address high schoolers on having a God-honoring and God-centered relationships with friends of the same and opposite gender.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler addresses high schoolers on having a God-honoring and God-centered relationships with friends of the same and opposite gender.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler addresses high schoolers on having a God-honoring and God-centered relationships with friends.
Let the Gospel of Jesus Christ be a light to you when all the lights go out.
Because Christ is supreme, we can entrust our ordinary lives to him, and our ordinary tasks can have extraordinary meaning.
Testing Emergency Announcement