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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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At Christmas, God showed his love for us by sending his only son to give us life through propitiation for our sins.
Mary’s song magnifies God by enlarging our perspective of his sovereign, subversive, and steadfast mercy.
Jesus loves to forgive the sins of those with faith because those who are forgiven much love much.
God loves you and has conquered your enemies.
Loving others involves doing what is best for them. Loving God involves showing he is best. This is bringing glory to him, doing all to his glory.
Jesus repeatedly boils his life and mission down to a call to serve. All the Bible’s commands to serve others are rooted in and reference back to him.
The big question at the bottom of the heart of all Christians is this: Are we going to be all right?
The people of God in Malachi’s day needed to be confronted. Often, we too need to be confronted. But before God confronts us, he consoles us by reaffirming his extravagant love for us.
Jesus calls his disciples to live lives that bear much fruit, fruit that is rooted in his unsearchable love for them.
On the night before his betrayal, Jesus loves his enemy. And then commands his disciples to love one another.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
You will not serve someone you do not love and you cannot love someone you do not know. So, make it your aim to know God. The more you know him, the more you will love him. And the more you love him the more you will want to serve him.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Robin teaches on God's holiness, goodness, love and glory.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Robin teaches on God's attributes of knowledge/omniscience, will, power, holiness, and goodness.
Speaker: Todd Keeler
Todd Keeler addresses high schoolers on having a God-centered relationship with God.
We are dearly loved children of God who imitate him by sacrificially loving others.
Let us praise the Lord for his immeasurable steadfast love toward us, his people.
In a transient world, confidence in the power and love of God is the only way to feel secure.
Because God is awesome in His holiness, we need a mediator in order to be reconciled with Him.
God will never release His grip on your life. The love that moves Him to burst forth in festive gladness and to sing over you is unending and eternal.
How do you get to the point of living in the good of God's love for us? He's provided everything we need in Romans 8.
Psalm 138 gives us magnificent poetry for our praise, showing us how and why to worship the Lord even in the midst of trouble.
The way we treat a straying Christian is a big deal to Jesus.
Paul ransacks his imagination for all images that might pose a threat to the believer’s security and dismisses each of them.
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